
By public transport

from the airport:

Bus line 65 to “Plieningen Post”

Bus line 122 to “Ressestrasse”

from the main station:

Subway line U5/U6/U12 to “Degerloch”, from “Degerloch” bus line 73/74/75/76 to “Plieningen Post

Subway line 15 to “Ruhbank/Fernsehturm”, from “Ruhbank/Fernsehturm” bus line 70 to “Ressestrasse”

By car

Coming from Munich:

Freeway A8 exit Plieningen, direction Plieningen

Coming from Würzburg/Karlsruhe:

Freeway A8 exit Flughafen, direction Plieningen


The hotel is open 24 hours a day, all year round.

Reception opening hours:

Mon-Fri 07:00 – 21:00
Sat 7:30-20:00
Sun and holidays 07:30-16:00

You can also check in outside the opening hours via our hotelomat. Here you will receive a password for access by phone in advance.